Dresden Football

Dresden 2010 Team Rules And Code of ConductBelow are a series of guidelines for team conduct and general behaviors. These are not all inclusive. They are merely guidelines for how players on this team will conduct themselves both on and off the football field. They are designed to make you a team not a group of individuals. In situations not covered by the below rules and guidelines, use common sense and remember your obligation to this team for the entire season.


Family:This team will become and remain a family. Count on yourself and each other for being responsible to others on this team. This means keep your grades up; do not jeopardize our goals by becoming ineligible during the season. We will quarrel, all families do. Get past it. Learn to work through your problems with each other for the greater good of the team. Failure to overcome individual problems will result in a breakdown in unit cohesiveness and will detract from our focus. By participating and being part of the Dresden football family, you assume certain responsibilities to yourselves, the coaches, and the school. Live up to them. Settle all on field disputes with teammates or coaches prior to leaving the practice field. Responsibilities to self:1. Get in and stay in shape.2. Take care of all personal business away from the field. Don’t let things sit. Work on what needs attention and move forward.3. Treat others on and off this team with the same amount of respect you expect to be treated with.4. Represent this team and school in the most positive of lights at all times.Responsibilities to others:1. Give 100% on the football field at all times.2. Remain eligible to participate. Devote the time necessary to maintaining a good grade point average. Realize your academic potential.

3. DO NOT CUT CLASS OR SCHOOL EVER, PERIOD.You will not be permitted to practice or play if:A. You have missed school that day without an excuse or priorapproval.B.  Suspension from school.C.  Coach discretion for behavior. 

Grooming and Dress:As a member of this team you will be expected to be well groomed at all times. Like it or not, we are all judged by or appearances by others in the school and the community.  York Tech Football players will set the trends not follow them.1. School rules apply on hair style.2. Pants will be worn pulled up around the waist, and preferably belted.3. No gang affiliation or colors are to be worn.  Hats only worn straight.4. Game jerseys will be worn on game days.5. No earrings, nose rings, eyebrow or tongue piercings. Wearing piercings on the field will result in 50 hills or up to 1000 push-ups the first time and increasing by 50 for each additional time. 

Training Rules & RegulationsAs a student athlete you have chosen to participate on this team. In order to remain a part of this team you will have to abstain from use of any of the following

Drugs – smoking, sniffing, injecting, swallowing of any mood modification substance either legal or illegal will not be tolerated. This includes glue and paint.

Performance Enhancements Supplements – caffeine pills, energy pills such as ephedrine, unless prescribed by a physician.VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE ABOVE RULES WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATEDISMISSAL FROM THIS TEAM. 

Misc. Rules & Regulations

Locker Room1. The locker room will be kept clean at all times. Senior captains will develop and post a schedule for all underclassmen to participate in daily/weekly clean up.Upperclassmen will be responsible for keeping their immediate dressing areapicked up at all times.2. All personal items will be placed in your locker during practice andgames.3. Mud will be knocked off of cleats outside of the building. Do not bang cleats onthe wall to clean them. Cleats must be removed prior to entering the building.4. Clothes worn under pads will be taken home and washed on a weekly basis.Personal hygiene is everyone’s responsibility.5. All equipment must be put away in your locker prior to leaving forhome. 

Team RulesMissing Practice

1 time…………………..Will not start game.  50 Hills.

2 times…………………One game dismissal.  100 Hills.

3 times………………….dismissed from team. 

Exceptions:Family emergency (coach’s discretion)Pre-arranged doctor’s appointment. Doctors note upon return.Medical emergency (coach’s discretion)School Sponsored educational endeavor.

Late to Practice1 time…………………..20 hills

2 times………………….50 hills

3 times………………….dismissed from team 

DetentionSee above Late to Practice schedule. 

Team CurfewAt the beginning of the season a team curfew will be put into effect. Weekday curfew is 10:00 pm.  A coach may call to see if you are there. See abovelate to practice for results of not being home for curfew check. 

TravelAll players are expected to travel to and from games in transportation provided by the district. We are a team and we will travel as one. If a ride home is needed at away games, see the coach. 

Bench and Field ConductAny player who is ejected from a game for actions either on the field or on the bench will face disciplinary action from the coaching staff the first day of practice the following week. We will not tolerate actions that cost the team in terms of points or yardage. 

Outside Athletic Participation  Because you are athletes you have a desire to participate in sports and activities outside the football program during the season. While we applaud you for your want to participate, we would ask that you do not. We are asking for a commitment to this team that comes before outside athletic endeavors during the season. We cannot afford to lose players due to injury sustained away from the football field during the season. Some activities that we strongly suggest you stay away from include but are not limited to:Trampolines, skateboards, basketball games, motorbikes, four wheelers, water skiing and any other sporting event that may lead to a broken bone or extended time away from the team. 

ManagersStudent managers are a part of this team. You will treat them with the same respect you treat other team members and coaches on this team. Any derogatory remarks or behavior directed at them will be dealt with harshly. They take time from their lives to help with the team in many ways. 

InjuriesIt is your responsibility to report all injuries to one of the coaches on the fieldimmediately. We ask that you see the Trainer first, and let the Trainer and coach advise on treatment of your injury. If seen by a doctor, a note from the doctor is required before you can resume play. 

Practice ConductYou will be expected to work hard and pay attention in practice. You owe it to yourself, your teammates and your coaches to put forth 100% effort at all times. Failure to do so hurts your development on the field and hurts the growth of the team as a whole.  Whether you are a starter or not, you will be expected to show up on time and practice with everything you have. If you are not a starter you should be trying to rotate in on the scout team every 2-3 plays. The more repetitions you get the better you will become.  Football is a game that requires a tremendous amount of physical and mental preparation.  

Remember, practice doesn’t make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect. No starting position will be given. They will be earned over and over during the course of the season. We will put in the player that gives us the best chance to win.  That doesn’t always mean it will be the most talented player. Players that work hard in practice and display a willingness to get the job done will play over those that may havemore natural ability but don’t put out the effort. A player’s class (i.e. Senior, Junior…etc) will not determine how much he plays. 

Varsity LettersPlayers must attend a minimum of 65% of available off-season work-outs to qualify to earn a letter. Players playing other school sponsored sports are excused until that season is over. Players will earn varsity letters based on the amount of quarters they play in during the football season. A player must play in over half of the possible quarters in a season to earn a varsity letter. We will not be handing out JV letters. 

General ConductAll football team members are required to follow the contract for athletes as set forth in the school’s athletic contract. Because you are members of this team, we have goals and expectations in excess of what is expected of the general student body. All of the rules and requirements listed above are for the promotion of the team above the self and will help us to win on the football field on game day. Remember, you are responsible for your conduct, not your friends or others in your social circles. Real winners behave responsibly whether anyone is looking or not. Hold yourself to a higher standard.Please contact any coach with questions you might have with the above rules and Code of Conduct.

Dresden Coaches Code of Conduct Agreement FormBy signing below you agree that you have read, understand and will comply with the team rules and code of conduct as set forth on the previous pages. 

Player Print____________________________________________________________Player


Parent Print____________________________________________________________

Parent Signature:_________________________________________Date:__________